Whether you stumbled on it by accident or you purposefully chose to
connect – we’re glad you did, and we welcome you to the East Coast
Reflector community.
The East Coast Reflector is a linked/bridged network of repeaters, nodes, and technologies that provide amateur radio operators with a convergence of platforms where users of various systems such as AllStar, IRLP, D-Star, DMR, Yaesu System Fusion, EchoLink, Hamshack Hotline, and Hams Over IP can seamlessly communicate across the country and around the world. A system diagram and specific connection information can be found at the end of this
The East Coast Reflector is not a club nor is it affiliated with any. It is a platform built, maintained, and operated by individual operators, like yourself, who utilize available capabilities to enhance the effectiveness of today’s amateur radio for the benefit and enjoyment of all Amateurs.
Although we are the East Coast Reflector in name, at any one time there may be hundreds of connected nodes, repeaters, and users from across the country and around the world. Like any large community, the East Coast Reflector includes people of all skill levels, backgrounds, interests, and experiences.
Whether you got your license two days or 30 years ago, it doesn’t matter – you’re welcome on the Reflector. A requirement, however, is that everyone be respectful of each other and follow standard amateur radio best practices and Part 97 rules. As such, please review the link on the ECR webpage for our reflector use guidelines: LINK Here
The East Coast Reflector hosts the “Tech-Net” every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Eastern.
All amateurs are welcome to participate.
The net provides a forum for participants to ask questions related to amateur radio and to receive advice, information, and guidance from the pool of knowledge and experience of the net participants. Someone, somewhere, has probably faced the same issues you may be having and will be glad to help out.
The net provides time to introduce new hams or those new to the reflector, a
SwapNet for notices of equipment for sale/trade and a general check-in.
Please note that the general check-in section of the net is done by call districts, e.g., users with a “4” callsign will check in when the “4th” call
district is called, regardless of where the user is currently located.
The East Coast Reflector also hosts the “Morning Brew”; an early morning net, 7:00-9:00 am Eastern, Monday through Friday, except holidays.
The Brew Crew offers up a question of the day and facilitates a round table that just happens to have a net controller to keep things percolating. We average between 80 and 90 check-ins per day and always welcome new users.
We hope everyone will enjoy a little entertainment on their way to work or just
some company while they enjoy their morning brew. (Some days you might
even get poured a “Second Cup”!)
Lastly, we run a “40 meter SSB Net”, on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern. This net meets on 7.245 MHz +/- depending on band conditions.
In addition to our three directed nets, we play “Amateur Radio Newsline” every Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Eastern.
The East Coast Reflector hosts a Zoom room that is open 24 hours a day.
• If you are using the Zoom app:
◦ Meeting ID: 83929643320
◦ PW: 193414
• If you are accessing via a browser: Click Here
ADN ( adn.systems ) Amateur Radio Digital Network Systems |
• TG3109050 |
AllStar Link (www.allstarlink.org) |
• 27339 (East of the Mississippi River) • 45192 (East of the Mississippi River) • 45225 (West of Mississippi River) |
DMR BrandMeister (www.brandmeister.network) | • TG 3129973 |
DMR TGIF (prime.tgif.network) | • TG 9050 |
D-STAR (www.dstarinfo.com) |
• XRF(XLX)237A • XRF(XLX)334E |
DVSwitch / RepeaterPhone | • 598529 |
EchoLink (www.echolink.org) |
• ECR9050 927382 • WB2JPQ-R 57780 • WB2JPQ-L 375103 |
Hamshack Hotline
(www.hamshackhotline.com) ( bridge to ECR Allstar bridge 27339 ) |
• 94049 ( *99 to Transmit # to Receive ) • 1362 ( Public Conf Bridge ) |
Hams Over IP
(hamsoverip.com) ( bridge to ECR Allstar bridge 45225 ) |
• 15001 ( *99 to Transmit # to Receive ) |
IRLP (www.irlp.net) | • 9050 |
Yaesu System Fusion (systemfusion.yaesu.com) |
• YSF-92805 • YSF-44444 |