Tech Net

Net Hosts:
Dick - WB2JPQ, Kevin-KE7K, Scott - W2BLT

Swap Net Host: Kevin-VE3BZ

The East Coast Reflector Tech / Swap Net 

meets every Tuesday evening on the 9050 reflector at 

8:00 EST and runs until approximately 10:00 PM.

Started on June 4, 2014 the East Coast Reflector IRLP-Allstar Tech Net has been meeting every Tuesday evening between 8:00 and 10:00 PM East Coast Time, 0000 Zula. Your net control stations are Dick WB2JPQ.

The Tech Net is open to all amateurs worldwide and we encourage your participation.

You can access the net through any IRLP repeater or simplex node by connecting to the East Coast Reflector 9050. If you are an Allstar user you can connect through one of our Allstar bridges 27339, 45192, or 45225. Our system is also open to all Echolink users. Our Echolink gateway numbers are 57780 and 375103.

If you are a DMR BrandMeister user, you may access the system through our DNR Talk Group 3129973. Users must have a DMR ID to access the digital side of the system. On all digital modes there is an additional delay, please key up 3 seconds before talking and leave long brakes between transmission. If you are a DSTAR or Fusion WIRES-X (Room 4004) user, you can access the system through XLX892.

The net control stations along with the help of all connected nodes try to answer all amateur radio-related questions. Come join us on Tuesday nights.

73 – WB2JPQ net control stations


The net provides a forum for participants to discuss amateur radio topics, ask amateur radio-related questions, and receive advice, information, and guidance from the pool of knowledge and experience of the net participants.  The net is open to all amateurs worldwide and we encourage your participation.  We hope you have a little time on Tuesday evening to check in with us and say hello.


The following is the order of segments of the Tech Net:  preamble, facilitators’ announcements, silent key announcements, hams new to the Tech Net, question and answer segment, swap & shop listings, and general check-ins.  The order of general check-ins is rotated every week.


Every week we choose a topic question and ask it to each participant.

If you have an amateur radio-related topic or survey question that you’d like the net participants to discuss, we’d love to get your suggestions and input.  Please email your topic suggestions to: moc.L1742679831OA@QP1742679831J2BW1742679831. If you prefer that your name/call not be used when we pose your topic to the net, please state so in your email and we’d be glad to respect your anonymity.


If you have an amateur radio-related question or technical issue that you’d like to throw out to the general net for advice, answers, or guidance, you can ask it during the Q&A portion of the net, or you can email it to us in advance and we’ll ask the question to the net on your behalf.  Someone on the net probably has an answer for you.  If you would like to submit a question to the net, please email it to: moc.L1742679831OA@QP1742679831J2BW1742679831.

Also, if you prefer that your name/call not be used when we ask your question on the air, please state so in your email.


The “Swap-Shop Portion” of the ECR Tech Net is to list Amateur Radio Related Items For Sale-Trade-Want.
The ECR assumes no responsibility or liability for any transactions items sold or purchased.

Everyone is welcome to email items for sale/swap or want to Kevin at: moc.s1742679831regor1742679831@ZB3E1742679831V1742679831.  For more details on the Swap Shop, please visit the website page at


Read the latest edition of the East Coast Reflector Newsletter at: Newsletters are published monthly.


Below is a quick list of connection information.

IRLP Reflector – 9050
Allstar Bridges – 45225, 45192, 27339

Please choose one at random to help with load balancing.

Yaesu System Fusion Reflectors – 92805 and 44444
DMR Bridge – Brandmeister TG 3129973
DMR Bridge – TGIF TG 9050
D-STAR – XLX237A and XLX256E
EchoLink – ECR9050 (conference 927382),
Hamshack Hotline – 94049
Hams Over IP – 15001

ZOOM Room:

Our daily ECR Zoom Room is open to everyone 24/7.  Come join us and put a face with the callsign.

Zoom app Meeting ID: 83929643320 PW: 193414

Browser Access: Click Here


The Morning Brew is live on the East Coast Reflector every Monday-Friday (except holidays) at 7AM Eastern Time.  Join the Brew Crew in an upbeat and informal discussion, while driving to work or getting that first sip of your morning coffee. It’s a great way to get your day started.


We have an online shop with assorted merchandise with four ECR logos to choose from, one of which is dedicated to the Morning Brew.  Get some ECR branded stuff for yourself or as a gift.  The shop can be found at:


To maintain a large system like the East Coast Reflector, there are ongoing expenses. We have added a PayPal Donate button to the top banner of the website. Please help support our system and become a supporting member.

The East Coast Reflector Team

Copyright (c) 2023 East Coast Reflector, All rights reserved. This is a communication email from the East Coast Reflector.